NexusCorp is a cooperation classified as the main antagonist of the Team Optic storyline. The company is on the mission to "discover the power of progress" masked with famous Stardock City celebrity, Ace Cromwell, as the face of the company. They strive to transcend beyond technological advancement, but human capacity and potential.
NexusCorp controls the masses and is seen as a company dedicated to improving people's lives, offering enhanced abilities and making life easier. While that may be true, behind the scenes, NexusCorp has a much more sinister agenda.
NexusCorp's intentions are driven by a genuine belief that they are the only ones intelligent enough of steering society away from chaos and towards a path of progress beyond current human comprehension. NexusCorp will go unimaginable lengths to get what they want. Over time, as NexusCorp became more wealthy and powerful, they became increasingly vengeful and cynical. The company grew obsessed with the idea of influence they had over everyone and grew consumed by it.
What could possibly be so concerning about NexusCorp's work?